Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sphinx Video Tutorial

Running the demonstration programs

Simple demos to start with sphinx4

  • Hello World Demo: a command line application that recognizes simple phrases.
  • Hello N-Gram Demo: a command line application using an N-gram language model for speech recognition

Demos for audio file transcription

  • Transcriber Demo: a simple demo program showing how to transcribe a continuous audio file that has multiple utterances separated by silences.
  • Confidence Demo: a simple demo program showing how to obtain confidence scores for result.
  • Lattice Demo: a simple demo program showing how to extract lattices from recognition results.
  • Class-Based Language model Demo: a simple demo of the class based language model.
  • Aligner Demo: aligns audio file to transcription and get times of words. Can be useful for closed captioning.

Dialog demos to write advanced dialog system

  • ZipCity Demo: a Java Web Start technology application that recognizes spoken zip codes and locates the associated city and state.
  • JSGF Demo: a simple demo program showing how a program can swap between multiple JSGF grammars.
  • Dialog Demo: a demo program showing how a program can swap between multiple JSGF and dictation grammars.
  • Action Tags Demo: a demo program showing how to use action tags for post-processing of RuleParse objects obtained from JSGF grammars.