This tutorial will explain you how to recognize Hindi Words using Sphinx4 Java API
Requirements :
Implementing Hindi Speech Recognizer:
Requirements :
- JDK 6 ( J2SE )
- Eclipse SDK ( preferably use Eclipse Classic)
- Sphinx 4.0
- JSAPI ( Included in Sphinx 4.0 )
- Hindi Speech Recognizer Source Files
Implementing Hindi Speech Recognizer:
- Install JDK 6.
- Extract Sphinx 4 to any drive (preferably C Drive).
- Go to C:\sphinx4-1.0beta5\lib and run jsapi.exe file.This will create jsapi.jar file in same folder.
- Open Eclipse and select Workspace for your project.
- File -> New -> Java Project. Give Project name as HindiSpeechRecognizer.
- Adding jars to project
- Right Click on Project name and go to properties.
- Click on Java Build Path and Select Libraries.
- Add Library -> User Library -> User Libraries -> New.Give User Library name as sphinx and prees Ok.
- Click on newly created Library and select add JAR's
- Add following JAR's to Library
- js.jar Path=C:\sphinx4-1.0beta5\lib
- jsapi.jar Path=C:\sphinx4-1.0beta5\lib
- Sphinx4.jar Path=C:\sphinx4-1.0beta5\lib
- tags.jar Path=C:\sphinx4-1.0beta5\lib
- HelloWorld.jar Path=C:\sphinx4-1.0beta5\bin
- Extract Source Files for Recognizer and replace 'src' folder with 'src' folder of 'HindiSpeechRecognizer' Project.
- Replace WSJ_8gau_13dCep_16k_40mel_130Hz_6800Hz.jar file with C:\sphinx4-1.0beta5\lib\WSJ_8gau_13dCep_16k_40mel_130Hz_6800Hz.jar file
- Refresh 'HindiSpeechRecognizer' Project.
- Run file