Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hindi Speech synthesizer in java

This tutorial will explain you how to speak Hindi Words using Dhvani Java API.

Requirements :
If you don't have above software please download it by clicking respective software name.

Implementing Hindi Speech Recognizer:
  • Basic requirement of this Hindi Speech synthesizer is you need to have Linux as your operating system. Because API we are using for synthesize purpose is Dhvani which works only on Linux.
  • Install JDK 6.
  • Install Dhvani.Follow the instructions given on Dhvani official website.
  • You can check if dhvani is properly installed or not by using command

Dhvani -v

  • Extract " Hindi Speech" file to "Hindi Speech Synthesizer" folder.
  • Open command prompt and navigate to the the "Hindi Speech Synthesizer" folder.
  • Compile "" file using command

  • Run "TestExec.class" file using command
java TestExec

  • You can hear a voice saying "Mera naam ashish hai".
  • To speak the sentence you want to speak you need to make changes in "Hindi.txt" file.You can write any sentence you want.
  • The most important thing in this system is you need to save "Hindi.txt" file in UTF-8 Format only.


  1. Hey Ashish,

    Nice tutorial.But i cannot find the Hindi Speech folder in the link you mentioned.

    Please update it or send it to me at

  2. Hello Ashish,
    Nice tutorial, but i want the Hindi Speech Synthesizer.Zip file very badly.
    Please mail me this Zip file at
    Thank you very much

  3. please bro send link or email Hindi Speech Synthesizer.Zip
